Friday, January 2, 2009

'I can feel it, coming in the air tonight, hold on'

That Phil Collins song keeps running through my head.

We've been here a few days now, and had to move to a new hotel because of a ton of ridiculous issues, the most appalling of which being when some male staff member of the hotel let himself in our room at 2 in the morning.

I'm healthy, but homesick. And pretty consistently grumpy. I'm sick of being in the constant company of my extended family. Especially in such close quarters.

And it's hard to have fun in a place this dangerous. You have no personal freedoms. Two holidays have passed by me now with little mention and I could care less. I should be in Kenya or at home with the people that I love, but being in Kampala doesn't feel like a good use of my time.

I'm tired. The fascination with being insanely uncomfortable is wearing out. I'm ready to go home and enjoy my life in Minnesota with a shiny new appreciation for all its privileges. And consideration for those that are still here.

I'm glad that Alicia Keys' "Superwoman" single emerged while I'm over here. Sometimes you need a reminder.

I feel like I hate Kampala, Uganda.

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