Friday, November 12, 2010

It should hear me by now, this thing that I want. It should hear a rumble in the distance, gradually becoming louder. It should feel a change in the wind and a tremble in the ground.

Lord knows whether it's ready for me, but I'm coming.

Like an asteroid. On fire in a free fall. This thing I want won't know what hit it. I will come zooming from above, a shooting star, and make an impact that shakes all of our surroundings.

My whole life, I've been out here orbiting around this thing. Its gravity pulling my spiral tighter and tighter with every revolution. Such want. I am off its radar -- a satellite, for the moment -- but I hope this thing is starting to get that sinking feeling in its gut, saying,

something's coming.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

thats good and beautiful. i enjoyed that lil deal.